October 3rd 2018

Thriller | Action
147 Minutes
Ethan Hunt Tom Cruise
Ilsa Faust Rebecca Ferguson
August Walker Henry Cavill
Benji Dunn Simon Pegg
Luther Stickell Ving Rhames
Solomon Lane Sean Harris
Alan Hunley Alec Baldwin
White Widow Vanessa Kirby
Erika Sloane Angela Bassett
Director | Writer Christopher McQuarrie

Content: During the sixth impossible mission Ethan Hunt and his team get involved with the criminal organization "the apostles". Robbing them of three plutonium warheads results in a failure. Anyhow Ethan can prevent Luther and Benji from being harmed. After that his superior Sloane puts agent August Walker on his side. Together they try to get closer to the apostles while travelling through Paris, London, Ramstein and the Nubra valley of India. Aside some familiars they meet the mysterious negotiator White Widow, portrayed by Vanessa Kirby. To save India's population from a nuclear fallout, they have to act quickly and disarm the warheads.

Opinion: As always the mission is packed with some freaking action scenes. Climbing, fistfights, house running, helicopter chase, parachute drop, car and motorcycle races are included. As a contrast there are stylish scenes and conversations with memorable characters. However the nuclear contamination story is implausible and far from reality.


Conclusion: Producer JJ Abrams flashes us in this movie with the mother of all lense flare effects. Besides that, I like we harmonic film cut and felicitous camera work. It never gets boring in spite of its length. Ambient music and sound effects are chosen carefully.

Breathless and stylish
5 of 6 possible "Gomtuus"


Movies 2018
Black Panther
Tomb Raider
Shape of Water
Avengers Infinity War
Solo a Star Wars story
Deadpool 2
Ant-Man & the Wasp
Mission Impossible Fallout
Predator Upgrade
Auf Deutsch
  Dieser Kram macht dich krank.


  Gomtuu rät von diesem Film ab, aber wenn es sein muss...


  Nicht richtig gut, aber hat etwas.


  Schwachpunkte und Gelungenes hält sich die Waage.


  Gute Unterhaltung, so wie es sein sollte.


  Ein Filmhit, der äusserst sehenswert ist.


  Von Null auf Klassiker in wenigen Sekunden.